24 November 2009

What you don't see.

Sorry about that hiatus guys.

The awesome news is that I've started an online store. Hopefully there's something good in there one of these days.

19 October 2009

Well Hi.

It's been a while. Mostly 'cuz I've been lazy. Anyway.

Working on character design again. He has a name now - Tobias Williams. Plus, I just decided to steal Henry Townshend's hair and stubble. Screw it.

I also am fancying the idea of making him Australian. Who knows why.

09 October 2009

Just Sit Back and Relax

Trying my best to redesign one of Lenore's supporting characters, Camille (formerly Camilla). Unfortunately due to my uninvolvement with these characters for the last 4 or 5 years, I've stolen a lot of her old design and given it to Kewyn. So now I'm working backwards.

She's a cop, which immediately has a lot in common with Kewyn's being a soldier, but I need to work on separating the two entities. Here I gave her long hair, tied back in a bun but it didn't really work for what I have pictured for her.

This is more what I want, I think. I like the short, unruly hair a lot more.

Hair ended up too long here. (I mean, it could have grown, but...) Have to work on that. The headband needs to keep more of her hair out of her face, too. *mumble grumble* Looks a lot different than the above picture, and not in all good ways.

A work in progress.

07 October 2009

I'm Pretty Sure He Has a Job?

I've been playing the new Kingdom Hearts game for the DS. Have some Axel doodles.

05 October 2009

Extra hate for this Monday...

We've had 2 fire drills within the last 18 hours. The second one woke me up. I am not pleased.

This is just a rough idea for the next outfit design contest at Fanplusfriend. A Kodona Mad Hatter? I think very yes?

03 October 2009

Don't Talk to Strangers

Happy Saturday everybody!

It's almost that time of year again. >:3

02 October 2009

...But Now It's Full of Evil Clowns.

Something fun doodled in my computer graphics class.

01 October 2009

This Used To Be A Fun House

It's Pomegranate! A character I created about this time last year and then never really did anything with. She's a witch, if you must know, and the monkey tail isn't exactly hers (her teacher cursed her with it when she skipped out on lessons and hid in a tree.)

I'm working on her design a bit. It's largely inspired by Lolita-esque fashion and Victorian steampunk. Mostly I can't decide whether her corset's going to be corsetty or not. :/

But she's fun to draw and very silly, so I have no problem with being unsure of her design.


These were done in my planner last week:


Chibi Lenore flying via what my roommate described as a "poot." That has to be the cutest way to describe a fart I've ever heard.

More posted later today probably once I've finished fiddling with them.

30 September 2009

Me, Myself and DRAFTING CLASS.

Allow me to express my feelings through interpretive CHIBIS.

29 September 2009

No One Wants What We Want

More Lenores, just in case you didn't have enough in your day.

Seriously working on some character design for this story now (seeing as I have about a month before I need to start writing it. YAY NANO!) Expect to see a lot of this, as if you haven't already.

May I Take Your Order?

Lenore works as a waitress, so I was fiddling with how she would dress at work.

Working on the design.

This one I'm happy with.

28 September 2009

I hate Mondays.

An experimental redesign of one of my older characters.

26 September 2009

Eyes Up Here.

A sultry, disheveled Kewyn for you to oggle. Also from the summer.

25 September 2009

Yar Har Fiddle Di Dee

Something I did back in the summer that I finally scanned...

Sorry for a bit of a lapse there. Was feeling a bit discouraged about this whole sketchblog thing, AND I had to get set up at school. But I'm back now. No worries.

12 September 2009

Why am I not levitating anymore?

I have a love/hate relationship with character creation sometimes. This would be one of them.

I recently created this guy as part of Lenore's story, but he's so far behind in development from all the others now. (He doesn't even have a name! Poor bloke.)

My first thought was to give him curly/wavy hair, but it made him look too stuck-up and princely somehow. Also, it's a lot harder to draw.

This is closer to what I want now. I haven't decided whether his hair's going to be brown like this (or black instead) nor have I settled on an eyecolor.

I also feel a little weird how much I was inspired by Gobeur's version of Henry Townshend for the new hairdo (because I like her version better than the one that's actually in Silent Hill 4 haha).

I also was a bit inspired by Germany's relaxed hair in Hetalia episode 32 *hohoho* (Side note: France's resemblance to SH4's Walter really frightens and amuses me.)

I have a thing for sideburns lately (I blame Doctor Who.)

Soo... He's a work in progress.

11 September 2009

Here's a Lullaby

Okay so maybe I lied before. Perhaps what I meant was there'd be something decent in two days. But it's cool, right?

I think I just wanted to draw something a little freaky. It's symbolic! Of... something. :/ I went a little bit nuts with the filters, too. Maybe I'll fix it later.

09 September 2009

Resident Derp 4

Some crappy Resident Evil 4 doodles that I did in the waiting room today. Apologies for the lined paper and laziness. Some decent sketches will be up later today, hopefully.


I was so sad the first time this happened.

05 September 2009

Nothing is real.

Drew these a while ago and finally scanned them. A character from Lenore's story (which I should really figure out a title for.)

04 September 2009

There was a hole here. It's gone now.

Some sketches of my original character, Lenore, that I did last night. Spiffed 'em up and fixed obvious flaws in photoshop. Consider this my first sketchpost!

Looking a bit cold.

I rarely draw faces straight-on, for fear of failure.


ARGH! SOMEONE CUT OFF HALF MY BODY. (This drawing intersected the first one, because I ran out of room on my page.)